Well, to get the full story we will have to enjoy a cup of coffee together sometime, but until then here’s the shortened version (From Brad’s point of view).
God had been working in our hearts in new ways for a couple of years before our move to Haiti. He opened our eyes to His kingdom, not only in the US, but all over the world. He allowed us to begin to experience His heart for those who are poor and/or oppressed.
We have learned that poverty is not simply a financial state. Some of the wealthiest people in the world live in a real state of poverty. We have learned that the poor and oppressed can live next door or across the ocean. The truth is we are all searching for Hope. We have been blessed to discover that Jesus living in, with and through you is the best source of hope for all people. This is our only goal in Haiti: to let Jesus live through us in any way He chooses so that people will find Hope and true life.